Physical Education
Welcome to the Physical Education/Health Department
Mrs. Katelyn Wilson, (Department Coordinator), Physical Education Teacher
Physical Education Office - 845-446-4914 Ext. 2880Mr. Robert Conklin, Physical Education Teacher
Contact information:
Physical Education Office - 845-446-4914 Ext. 2882Mrs. Lindsay Berry, Health Teacher/Physical Education Teacher
Contact information:
Main Office - 845-446-4914
Course Descriptions
PHYSICAL EDUCATION Alternate Days – 1/2 Credit: Students are encouraged to develop an awareness of the importance of personal physical fitness and good health, as well as to recognize the importance of physical activity as a long-range approach to the full enjoyment of life. The program covers physical fitness, motor skills development, knowledge, social objectives and aesthetic value. The main components of the Physical Education program are class instruction, Project Adventure, intramurals, and interscholastic sports. Our curriculum is geared to meeting the New York State Learning Standards. Successful participation in Physical Education is required each year in grades 9-12.
PHYSICAL EDUCATION 9-10: This course is designed for Grades 9 & 10 and provides a mixture of traditional and non-traditional activities. The course includes Project Adventure activities, such as cooperative games, group initiatives, and trust, and alternative games, such as speedball, team handball, Frisbee activities, orienteering, physical fitness assessment, designing personal workout programs, and self defense. Traditional activities include flag football, floor hockey, circuit training, and basketball.
PHYSICAL EDUCATION 11-12: This course is designed for Grades 11 & 12. The activities include both team and individual sports. Some of the individual activities are weight training, aerobics, Tae-Bo, and self-defense. The sports offered are soccer, floor hockey, basketball, volleyball, team handball, softball, tennis, table tennis, golf, badminton, ultimate Frisbee, track, and football. Future activities may include Project Adventure, pickle ball, yoga, and Pilates. Medical Excuses: Alternative written assignments are required if a student will be excused for longer than a three (3) week period. Additional assignments may be assigned for lengthier medical excuses.
HEALTH 1 semester – 1/ 2 Credit: This subject is taught with the goal of providing students with factual information and health skills that can be assimilated for a lifetime of healthful living. The course is geared toward meeting the New York State and national learning standards so that the student will become health literate. Factual topics include nutrition, disease prevention, parenting education, alcohol, tobacco and drug awareness, mental health, violence prevention, STD and HIV/AIDS awareness, and first aid. Some skills include decision-making, resistance skills, critical thinking, communication skills, conflict management, reading food labels, consumer awareness, and CPR. This course, or an acceptable equivalent, is required for graduation. Health is presented from the standpoint that students need to become health literate in order to improve health in the United States. Being health literate involves becoming a critical thinker and problem solver, a responsible and productive citizen, a self-directed learner, and an effective communicator. Time in this course is also spent investigating attitudes and values. This is done so that each student is aware of how life experiences and our environment make us different. Prerequisite: None. This course is recommended for sophomores but may be taken in grade 11 or 12. NOTE: A Health course taken outside of New York State may satisfy the Health requirement if all of the following conditions are met:
- The course must cover the content as described in the NYS Education Department mandate.
- The course must meet for a minimum of 54 hours and earn at least 0.5 high school credit.
- The health course may not be taken by correspondence or independent study, and it must be taken during grades 9-12.
- The former school must give a separate grade for Health. A composite PE/Health grade is not acceptable.
- If the first three criteria are met and only a separate grade is lacking, the student may validate the successful completion of Health by passing our final exam.
Your physical education grade will be included in your grade point average. Your grade for each quarter will be determined as follows:Participation: 60%
Each student can earn up to 5 points daily (100 points total) in each of the following categories:- Participation (1 Point)
- Prepared (1 Point)
- Attitude/ Behavior (1 Point)
- Execution of Sport Related Movement (1 Point)
- Punctuality (1 Point)
Written Assignment: 30%
There will be two written assignments per quarter. These will be turned in via Google classroom. All assignments are expected to be turned in by its assigned due date.Written Test: 10%
There will be one written test each quarter. If a test is given during an excused absence, students are required to make it up.Dress Cuts & Absences:
If a student does not dress for the day, a student has one week to make up their 5 points. If the dress cut is not made up they receive a 0 for that day.
Absences from PE class should be made up to receive the 5 point credit for the days you missed. (Participation points from band, chorus, guidance, or administrative appointments will be excused).
Make ups will be provided before and after school. PM BOCES students may make up during their lunch period before they leave for BOCES.
Absence/Dress Cut Make-ups include:- Zumba: 1 session=1 class
- Mile: 4 laps=1 class
- Pacer Run: 32 laps=1 class
Parent Notes/ Medical Notes:
- Parent notes will be accepted for absences for that week only. Any absences for medical reasons for periods that exceed one week require a doctor’s note. In order to receive full 5 point credit for the day, these absences must be made up.
- New medical excuse notes are needed each year from your doctor to be kept in our files.
- If a student is medically excused for 2 weeks or longer then they must complete an alternative assignment.
- If excused for 2-3weeks = 1 paper/4-8 weeks = 2 papers/longer will result in papers and a nutrition assignment.
- Please refer to our websites for future reference.** If you participate on an O’Neill sports team, you will not be excused from Physical Education. If you don’t dress on a game day, your coach will be notified. **
Gym Rules:
Enter the gym through the respective locker rooms. There will be NO ENTRY through the gym doors.
Respect our facilities.
Appropriate language and conduct is expected at all times.
No cell phones or iPods.
Stay in gymnasium until the bell ringsAttire:
The following articles of clothing are NOT considered acceptable for Physical Education class. You will not be allowed to participate in this attire:
Hiking boots
Open mid-section tops
Cargo pants
Pants/shorts with buttons or zippers (safety)
You must change for Physical Education. No school clothes underneath!
Large, bulky jewelry should be removed before participating in Physical Education activities.
No hats in class (inside or outside).Acceptable Attire:
Laced sneakers
Warm-up suit
Appropriate length athletic shorts** O’Neill athletic uniforms ARE NOT acceptable for Physical Education class. **
All personal items of value should not be left in the locker room or left in your backpacks. If you do not have a safe place to store these items, your teacher will hold them during class. Students are given a lock in the beginning of the year, and must be returned at the end of the year. If not returned by the student, there will be a $5 fee to replace the lost lock.Please see individual teacher websites for additional physical education information.
Related Files
Physical Education Standards
NYS and National P.E. Standards