JIO Academic Eligibility Policy
For Athletics and Extracurricular Activities
ELIGIBILITY POLICY (ACADEMIC)This policy applies to all extracurricular activities that meet more than three hours per week and includes all clubs and athletic teams (see Academic Eligibility Policy in Athletic Handbook). Participation in extracurricular activities is a privilege, not a right; therefore, students are expected to maintain a certain level of academic performance in order to participate in extracurricular programs. Academic performance will be monitored during the entire school year and students must meet the following criteria in order to participate in extracurricular activities (including, but not limited to sports, certain field trips, dances, etc.).
Academic Standard
A student is expected to maintain a program of five (5) classes (or the equivalent) plus physical education. The student is expected to be in regular attendance and to perform regular course work in all of his/her classes for each marking period. Student performance will be reviewed at the end of each progress report and marking period (further known as Eligibility Period). An eligibility list will be published after each progress report or marking period report is finalized - approximately every five weeks. In order to remove themselves from any level of probation, a student must be passing all courses at the next quarter or mid-quarter report.
Eligibility Standards
Attendance at Expanded Day is required for all levels of eligibility. During Expanded Day, students must attend the class(es) they are failing for the entire period (1:54-2:24). Teachers will provide weekly documentation of attendance.
Level 1: Academic Probation
If a student receives one (1) failure on the progress report or on the report card, he/she will be placed on academic probation. A student on academic probation:
- may fully participate in all extracurricular activities and interscholastic sports
- must attend Expanded Day at least one (1) day per week.
If after the next progress report or report card the student is still failing the same course, he/she will convert to a Level 2 or “Ineligible to Compete” status (see statement below).
Level 2: Ineligible to Compete
If a student receives two (2) failures on the progress report or the report card, he/she will be deemed as INELIGIBLE TO COMPETE. A student on ineligible to compete status:
- may only participate in practices, but may not participate in games, competitions or other activities.
- must attend Expanded Day at least two (2) days per week If the student’s situation improves after a minimum of two (2) weeks within the five week period, the student may request an “appeal” for reconsideration of his/her ineligible to compete status.
If after the next progress report or report card the student is still failing two courses he/she will convert to Level 3 or “Ineligible” status (see statement below).
Level 3: Ineligible
If a student receives three (3) or more failures on the progress report or report card OR has been failing two classes for ten or more weeks, he/she will be ineligible to participate in ANY extracurricular activity for the next five weeks. A student who is ineligible:
- may not attend any extracurricular activities.
- must attend Expanded Day at least three (3) days per week.
If the student’s situation improves after a minimum of two weeks within the five week period, the student may request an “appeal” (see below) for reconsideration of his/her ineligible status
In order for a student to appeal his/hers ineligibility status, he/she must be passing all courses. The decision regarding the student’s ineligibility status will be determined by the Academic Eligibility Committee.
NOTE: In order to appeal their status, a student must complete the “Academic Ineligibility Status Change Request Form” (see guidance counselor or the Athletics website for form) for each class he/she is failing and submit the appeal to the principal. An appeal cannot happen until at least two (2) weeks have passed since the end of the quarter or the mid-quarter date (official dates will be created by the administration), the student has actively worked toward improving his/her grades, and the student fulfilled the Expanded Day requirement required for his/her eligibility level. The only exception is if there was a teacher error on the progress report. In those cases, an appeal can be granted immediately once the appeal form is completed.
It is the sole responsibility of the student or his/her parent/guardian to present specific facts and circumstances regarding the student’s academic performance and provide proof that his/her academic performance has improved sufficiently. The student has met all the requirements for the Expanded Day program. The committee shall examine the specific facts of each case and render a decision within three school days of the appeal. During the appeal process, the student may not practice or play and/or participate in extracurricular activities beyond what is allowed by his/her eligibility status. The decision of the appeals committee is final. NOTE: A dropped class does not automatically reduce the number of failing courses for a student. If a student does drop a class, that failure will only be considered “resolved” at the next five-week check point. In order to demonstrate that the student is in good academic standing, he/she must maintain passing grades in all remaining classes for a sustained period of a time.
If a student is granted an appeal, he/she will be required to complete a weekly Academic Report for the remainder of their athletic/performance season. This form must show that the student is regularly completing his/her work and is maintaining passing grades in all classes. If the student is failing any of the appealed classes at any point during the remainder of the season, his/her original eligibility status will be reinstated and maintained until the next five (5) week report cycle.
Failure to adhere to one’s academic probation status will result in an extended probation for that student or possible removal from the team/activity. In addition, once a student violates the policy, he/she loses the right to appeal his/her probationary status. NOTE: Students who are absent from one or more daily study sessions for unapproved reasons will lose eligibility to participate in any facet of extracurricular activities.
Tryout Period
Due to the brief and specific dates for athletic tryouts, auditions and certain extracurricular activities, students will be permitted to try out or audition, and will not be penalized due to their eligibility status. The ability to tryout and audition does not give the student the ability to participate if selected unless he/she meets the Academic Standard.
Fall Sports & Extracurricular Activities
The June report card final grades will determine Fall eligibility status. If proof of the student’s successful completion of the courses in summer school is submitted to the high school principal, the student’s eligibility status will be restored.
Participation in extracurricular activities contributes to the development of character, personality, physical fitness and leadership. Students are, therefore, expected to conduct themselves in accordance with all rules and regulations of the school and laws of the community. Furthermore, as visible representatives of O’Neill High School, a student’s behavior in and out of should be characterized by exemplary conduct and self-discipline. Conduct unbecoming of a student may result in suspension from participation in extracurricular activities.
Any student violating the O’Neill High School Code of Conduct is subject to administrative determination of ineligibility as a consequence of such behavior. A primary source of information about the conduct of students who participate in extracurricular activities is the completed Academic Eligibility List mentioned earlier. The Assistant Principal will inform the Principal of any student deemed ineligible due to behavioral reasons. Administration reserves the option of suspension from extracurricular participation as discretionary authority.
All students and parents/guardians must sign the O’Neill High School Student/Parent Pledge. Any student who fails to submit this form will not be allowed to attend or participate in any school activities beyond his/her academic classes. The signed pledges will be kept on file in the Main Office.
If the parent/guardian or student has any questions pertaining to any of the policies of the Extracurricular Program, they must contact the Principal’s Office at 446-4914 x2502 BEFORE signing the parent/student pledge. Once the pledge is signed by the parent/guardian and student, it will be understood all rules and practices are agreed with and all discipline will be mutually enforced.
PEER TUTORINGPeer Tutoring is scheduled through the National Honor Society. Student volunteers make their time available during study hall periods and after school to assist other students. Those who wish to take advantage of this opportunity either as a tutor or those seeking tutoring should see their Guidance Counselor.
All teachers provide additional academic support for students on Tuesday – Friday from 1:54-2:24 P.M. Teachers may request that a student stay for additional instruction from 1:54 – 2:24 P.M. on a date agreed upon by the teacher and student. Parent/guardian contact will be initiated should the student fail to report for additional instruction. If a student does not stay for extra help, he/she must leave school campus at 1:50 P.M. Students participating on athletic teams and in extra-curricular activities must report to the cafeteria until their program begins.
Updated July, 2021
Extracurricular Activities
*Activity that may be affected by Academic Eligibility Status
Note that participation in these activities is subject to the same O’Neill High School eligibility standards as the athletic program (See “Eligibility Policy” and “Athletic” Sections).
Students may hold only one (1) major school office: Editor in Chief of Yearbook, Editor and Chief of the Newspaper, Student Body President, Class President, President NHS.