The following health insurance plans are offered by the District:
OU Health Plan - PPO product
PPO plans provide members with in-network and out-of-network benefits.
To register your account please visit: Luminare Member Portal.
For a step by step guide on how to register your account, click on the following link : Member's Guide to Registering.
Once you have set up your account, you can search for a provider, access a digital copy of your ID card and view benefits. For a guide to the portal please click Luminare Member Portal Guide
Luminare Health Benefits Customer Service: 866-893-4472
To find a participating provider visit: Find a Doctor. For the most accurate information, search by the prefix of your ID number.
Plan Information:
OU Health Benefit Bulletins:
Additional Health Benefits Offered:
- OU Health - Enrollment, Change and Termination Form
- At the time of enrollment, employees must provide original supporting documentation for any dependents being added. Only original documents can be accepted.
- To enroll a spouse: marriage certificate and social security card must be presented.
- To enroll a child(ren): birth certificates and social security cards must be presented.
- At the time of enrollment, employees must provide original supporting documentation for any dependents being added. Only original documents can be accepted.
OU Health Memos
NEW Prescription/Pharmacy Vendor - EmpiRx
To set up an account please visit: www.empirxhealth.com
- EmpiRx FAQ
- EmpiRx Mail Order Form & Envelope
- EmpiRx Benefit Plan Booklet
- EmpiRx Prescription Benefit Booklet
All completed forms (other than mail order) should be sent to the attention of Yvette Maag, HR & Benefits Coordinator.
- OU Health - Enrollment, Change and Termination Form
MVP - HMO product
HMO plans require you to choose a Primary Care Physician (PCP) from the MVP network.
To search for a participating provider:
Visit mvphealthcare.com and click on the Find a Doctor link or call 888-MVP-MBRS (888-687-6277).
Plan Information:
- Enrollment, Change & Termination Form
- At the time of enrollment, employees must provide original supporting documentation for any dependents being added. Only original documents can be accepted.
- To enroll a spouse: marriage certificate and social security card must be presented.
- To enroll a child(ren): birth certificates and social security cards must be presented.
All completed forms should be sent to the attention of Yvette Maag, HR & Benefits Coordinator.