Welcome to the Transportation Department's web page
Because the school bus is an extension of the classroom, we are an integral part of the education of all students within our school district.
Safety is high priority and a group effort. Students, parents, teachers, school administrators, and drivers are all assigned responsibility.
We value each and every student and will emphasize that by treating each student with dignity and respect.
We are committed to providing the safest, consistent, reliable transportation possible and will strive to continually upgrade our service to students and parents as it becomes possible.
If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact us at the following:
Christopher Kirwan
Director of Facilities
(845) 446-9575 X1250
christopher.kirwan@hffmcsd.orgAdeline Thomas
Transportation Clerk
(845) 446-9575 X1201
adeline.thomas@hffmcsd.orgSAFETY IS OUR GOAL!